Dr. Susan Kelleher owns and operates one of the busiest exotic animal care practices located in South Florida, Broward Avian and Exotics Animal Hospital. “Everything but dogs and cats. If it will fit through the door, I’ll treat it!” is Dr. K’s motto. And through the door they come. Rabbits, reptiles and birds of all shapes and sizes, foxes, ferrets, fish, marsupials, and even primates.
Every day at the Broward Avian and Exotics practice, Dr. K, her intern Dr. Lauren Thielen and her resident, Dr. Santiago Diaz, tackle the issues of having exotic pets as patients. Issue number one? Teaching loving pet owners how to properly care for their exotic pet. Number two? The constant challenge of trying to save animals who are often in desperate condition when they arrive at the hospital. These animals are mostly prey animals and are extremely adept at hiding illness, which often leads to a very serious problems by the time they arrive at the vet’s.
Each hour long standalone episode follows the parallel stories of Dr. K and her staff tackling a variety of unique exotic animal care cases, none of which are ever the same. From a Red-Rumped Parakeet with ulcerated eyes, to an egg bound Veiled Chameleon to a Kinkajou with a breathing problem, the doctors and staff at Broward Avian and Exotics treat everyone with dedication and determination. It’s a rollercoaster ride, as these animals are prone to numerous peculiar ailments and their eccentric owners are deeply connected to their companions.
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - Wibbly Wobbly Hedgehog
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - Lizard of Oz
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 256
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 258
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 257
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 253
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 254
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 255
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 251
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - 252
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - Operation Skunk
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - Sumo Dragon
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - Snake, Rattle & Roll
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - The Tortoise and the Dog
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - Serious Monkey Business
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER s.2.5 - Gator-aid
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Jelly Bellies
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Frenemy Freak Outs!
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: A Bad Case of Rotten Egg
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Bunny Nose Job
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Pot-Bellied Pig Out
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Kink-achoo!
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Into the Fox Hole
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Leave it to Lemur
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Sir Lynx-A-Lot
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER - 201
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Chinchillin' Like A Villlain
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER - 202
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER - 203
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Turtle-Necked
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER - 204
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Sticky Pixie And Trixie Too!
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: One Fat Parakeet
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Let Me Clear My Goat
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: H2O No!
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Major Hissing Fit
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Baby Kangaroo
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Baby Kangaroo Alert
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Gettin' Squirrely
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: One Funky Monkey
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Return of the Dragon
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Eye-Eye-Ay!
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Prairie Dog Companion
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Pain in the Beak
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER: Hubble Trubble