GTA 5 Best Graphic Settings For Beautiful Visuals (2025)

With no definitive answers online, the question of, “What are the best graphic settings for GTA 5?” can be a hard one to answer. That's why this article is here today; to present to you the best graphics settings for GTA 5 that leave you with good FPS and beautiful aesthetic quality.

Graphic Settings

DirectX Version:

DirectX is a collection of programming interfaces that handle tasks related to game programming. This technology helps produce the special visual and audio effects within GTA 5. This might be things like grenades exploding or rockets being fired from a jet.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: For this you want to apply the most recent version compatible with your computer. This will probably be ‘Version 11’ but if not you should be able to use ‘Version 10 or 10.1’ just the same.

Screen Type:

The screen type you select affects the cropping of your game screen. This can play a large role in your FPS if you choose an option that is more than necessary. That’s why for this setting you want to choose something that works just fine but isn’t overkill.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: For this setting you want to choose ‘Windowed Borderless’. This will fit your screen to the borders to give you the maximum frame and effieciency.


Your resolution settings are the typical resolution settings of your display. A lower level is lower quality but more FPS. A higher level is better quality but lower FPS.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Typically you will want to match your resolution with the capacity of your monitor. A good option will be 1920x1080 for any users.

Aspect Ratio:

This setting describes the ratio of your display screen’s width to its height. Aspect ratio is another setting that is at the discretion of your monitor; you want to match this setting with what your monitor can handle.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Match this setting with the monitor you will be using. A good standard for any computer will be 16:9.

FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing):

FXAA is a type of spatial anti-aliasing that is intended to improve image quality. This happens by ignoring polygons in the picture and instead analyzing the images by individual pixels. In GTA 5 this is more effective than MSAA since the environment is so vast and dynamic.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: All users should change to ‘On’.

MSAA (Multi Sample Anti-Aliasing):

This is another type of spatial anti-aliasing which can be used to improve image quality. However in GTA 5 it is not used properly and FXAA is preferred over it.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: All users leave ‘Off’

High End: ‘4x’ can show some improvements, but don’t go above that.


Vsync is an option that allows for the synchronization of the frame rate with the refresh rate of the monitor. By turning this setting off you will boost your FPS with virtually no negative aspects within the GTA 5 game.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Turn this ‘Off’

Population Density:

This setting controls how many civilian characters spawn around you on the map. The higher this setting the more civilians spawn. The lower it is, the lesser the number of civilians. As it can be inferred the more civilians spawning around you, the lower your FPS will be.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: This should be set to at least ⅔ full for a complete gaming experience with minimal FPS effects.

High End: Put this setting as high as it can go if you have a high operating level computer.

Population Variety:

The setting is similar to the previous, except this controls the variation in the civilians that spawn around the map. Once again, the higher you place the setting, the more significant effect it will have on your FPS.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: This setting should be at least ⅔ or higher.

High End: For the best computers you can put this all the way up.

Distance Scaling:

Distance scaling controls the depth of all the options in the game and the detail of that. As its title suggests it ‘scales the distance’ of all the objects. This setting can be a huge FPS hog if you aren’t careful, but it is also important to having a gaming experience with good visuals.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Setting this to ⅔ of full should be enough for a good gaming experience.

High End: As long as your computer can handle it, you can put this setting all the way up.

Texture Quality:

This setting controls the textures you encounter and the quality of those textures. This is closely related to resolution of the game, but this is directly tied to the game rather than your monitor and display.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: You want this at least at ‘High’.

High End: ‘Very High’ setting is ideal.

Shader Quality:

Shader quality affects how smooth the differences in shading within the map are. At a high level the shading of colors and objects is pristine, while on lower levels the shading is really poor. This is a very important setting to the visual quality of the game.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: This setting needs to be at ‘High’ or better

High End: This should be ‘Very High’

Shadow Quality:

This setting impacts the shadows you see in your game experience. This is another setting that is vitally important to having good visuals and a nice, aesthetic experience.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: This setting should only be set to ‘High’.’Very High’ is not necessary and this is a setting where you can save FPS even if you have a high end computer.

Reflection Quality:

Reflection quality affects the resolution of reflections in the game say from puddles of water, mirrors, or glass windows and doors. This setting does not have a huge impact on FPS since it is a more subtle aspect compared to grass or shading.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: This setting should be on ‘High’ at least.

High End: ‘Ultra’ would be the best.

Reflection MSAA:

This is a specific MSAA effect that adds anti-aliasing to in-game reflections such as puddles and car windows. It actually has very little effect on visuals in the game and does not have a huge difference on how the game looks whether it is off or on.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: ‘Off’ to save FPS

High End: Set to ‘x8’

Water Quality:

As the name suggests this affects the quality of the water you may encounter in the game. Since water is only common depending on the area of the map, this has a medium-level effect on the FPS.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: ‘High’ is effective for great aesthetics with minimal effects to FPS.

High End: If your computer can handle it while maintaining FPS go to ‘Very High’.

Particle Quality:

This setting determines the resolution of particles in the game such as water droplets, dirt particles, and other things of this nature. Particle quality is very important to the visuals in GTA. This is not a setting you want to put too low, because there are noticeable differences between each option.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: ‘Very High’

High End: ‘Ultra’ would be ideal if your computer can keep up.

Grass Quality:

This setting changes the level of quality and resolution of the grass in the game. It is important because you want the grass looking high quality, however go too high and you’ll see FPS drops when you are in areas with dense grass. This is a setting that has a very significant effect on FPS and your computer’s operating speed.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: You should never go more than the ‘High’ setting for this option.

High End: ‘Very High’ if you prefer over ‘High’

Soft Shadows:

Soft shadows is a setting that creates a softening and dimming effect on shadows as they become a farther distance away. This is important for game immersion and realism, and can really have an effect on how your shadows look in the game.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: ‘Softer’ is a good balance of FPS hit with good visual improvement.

Post FX:

This setting controls a broad variety of visual effects, noticeably glares, HDR lighting, and motion blur. Since this setting encompasses so many other areas vital to having nice visuals, it is very important to your gaming experience.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: ‘Very High’

High End: ‘Very High’ or ‘Ultra’

Motion Blur Strength:

Motion blue strength is exactly as it sounds like, it creates a blur effect when you move your field of view. This setting does not have a large effect on FPS at all so it is really up to personal preference. It should be noted though that this can actually have a negative affect on your level of play in gunfights and other encounters.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: I recommend this setting be left off, as it will improve your level of play, however it has minimal effect on FPS if you choose to turn it on.

Depth of Field Effects:

This setting controls the quality of objects that are in our field of view in the game but out of focus. Since GTA is such an immense environment with all of the buildings and different details this is a very important setting for having beautiful aesthetics in game.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Set to ‘On’ for all players

Anisotropic Filtering:

This setting enhances the image quality of objects and details in your field of view that are in your peripheral vision. Since GTA 5 is such a large environment there are always buildings and objects in your peripheral, making this a setting that has a constant effect on your visual experience.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Set this to ‘x16’

High End: Set this as high as you possibly can.

Ambient Occlusion:

Ambient occlusion is a setting that determines the shading and exposure of objects in the game that are exposed to ambient lighting. This is an important setting that affects the quality of shading on everything around you like buildings and cars.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: This setting should only be placed at ‘High’ and nothing else.


This setting aids in the rendering of surfaces within the game by breaking them up into smaller geometric shapes to make them easier to render. This is something that affects the quality of essentially all surfaces within the game. That being said, with a good combination of other settings, you can get by with leaving this off to save FPS.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Turn this to ‘Off’ to save FPS.

High End: Change to ‘Normal’ to get a rendering boost.

Advanced Graphic Settings

Long Shadows:

This setting affects the placement and positioning of shadows in the early morning and late evening hours. This means it will create a more realistic game environment throughout the day that is dynamic with the time..

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Advanced Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: All players should change this to ‘On’.

High Resolution Shadows:

This is another setting that affects the in-game shadows and their quality in your gaming experience. Applying this setting will create a more visually appealing game that just looks a lot better.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: All users should set this to ‘On’.

High Detail Streaming While Flying:

This setting controls the detail of the rendering of objects on the ground like trees and roads while flying above in an airplane. High detail streaming while flying is important to the visual quality of the map when in an air vehicle, because logically you will actually be seeing more of the map while flying; you will want it to look good.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Advanced Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Always ‘On’

Frame Scaling Mode:

Frame scaling is a feature that adjusts the resolution of your game and then scales it to the monitor you have. This is not needed in most cases since previously you should have already set the overall resolution of your display. Unless you have a poor quality computer, this is useless.

To apply: Enter the settings tab in the pause menu and navigate to ‘Advanced Graphic Settings’.

Recommended: Always ‘Off’ unless you have poor FPS. Setting this to ¾ or so can give you a huge boost in FPS.

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GTA 5 Best Graphic Settings For Beautiful Visuals (2025)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.