My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (2025)

There are currently twenty-seven volumes available for My Hero Academia, with plenty more on the way. It's so easy to love each and every volume, as they all add to a great collective for the fandom. Yet there's also no doubt that some volumes are greater than others.

With that in mind, here are the ten best volumes of the series thus far. Though one should really read each and every volume, instead of merely reading the highlights. It makes the story all the better. These volumes do contain some of the most dramatic moments, the moments that make MHA stand out among the rest.

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10 My Hero Academia Vol. 1: Izuku Midoirya: Origin

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (1)

Obviously the first volume of the manga, My Hero Academia Vol. 1: Izuku Midoirya: Origin had to make the list. This is the moment where fans were given a chance to learn about the characters, and to fall in love with the series.

It also includes several amazing moments, such as All Might's introduction, Modirya's loyalty, and how hard he had to work in order to be capable of wielding One For All. Not to mention the whole Entrance Exam arc, and plenty more details.

9 My Hero Academia Vol. 5: Shoto Todoroki: Origin

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (2)

The fifth volume of MHA is yet another volume full of amazing moments. This volume contained much of the U.A. Sports Festival arc, and as such finally gave many of the students a chance to shine. As well as a chance to show off their quirks.

It's the first time many readers were given a chance to really learn about the complexity of certain characters, most notably Shoto Todoroki, whom the volume is named after. Alongside several amazing fights, this is a volume that stands out in the minds of fans.

8 My Hero Academia Vol. 6: Struggling

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On that note, the sixth volume is another standout volume for MHA. It starts out cute and funny, with the students picking their hero names, but quickly gets dark. This volume brings two new characters to the scene.

The first is Gran Torino, who picks up Midoriya's training (with gusto). The second is Stain, the infamous Hero Killer. On a related note, this volume also contains the epic battle of Iida, Midorya, and Shoto against Stain.

7 My Hero Academia Vol. 9: My Hero

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My Hero, the ninth volume for MHA contains the second half of the Summer Training arc, and it brings with it some of the most dramatic fights available. It seems like many of the students, both from Class 1-A and Class 1-B, were given a chance to shine here.

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Midoriya's fight against Muscular was epic, especially as he fights to protect the life of Kota. Meanwhile, many of his classmates are in the woods fighting off against the rest of the League, to varying degrees of success (and dramatics).

6 My Hero Academia Vol. 11: The End of the Beginning, The Beginning of the End

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (5)

The End of the Beginning, The Beginning of the End is probably one of the most emotional volumes of the series. In this case, it's more emotional for the fans than anything else, which is saying something.

This is the volume that contains All Might's final fight, and it is every bit as beautiful, powerful, and intense as fans could ever have hoped for. This was a moment that All Might deserved, and he truly ran with it.

5 My Hero Academia Vol. 16: Red Riot

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (6)

Speaking of moments, My Hero Academia Vol. 16: Red Riot gave moments to characters who had long been deserving it, while also providing some essential backstory. Kirishima stole the show in this volume, and fans are totally okay with that.

This volume also provided more insight to the Big Three, mainly Suneater, as well as what the League of Villains had been working on – and who they're working with. It all makes for one enthralling volume.

4 My Hero Academia Vol. 18: Bright Future

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (7)

Bright Future, the eighteenth volume in My Hero Academia, contains the end parts of the battle against Overhaul and his minions. Both the good and the bad are in this volume. There's that brilliant fight between Overhaul and Deku, with Eri's help, of course.


There are also some true tear-jerkers in this volume, such as what happened to Sir Nighteye, and everything that Mirio is going through (regardless of how well he's handling the sudden change in his life).

3 My Hero Academia Vol. 21: Why He Gets Back Up

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (8)

There is so much that happens in Why He Gets Back Up that it's almost hard to keep up with it all. It certainly made for a thrilling volume, one that is memorable – and setting the scene for something even bigger.

This volume contains everything from Endeavor's first big fight after All Might's retirement to Todoroki family revelations. Not to mention the whole Hawks subplot, or the changes the students of U.A. are facing.

2 My Hero Academia Vol. 25: Tomura Shigaraki: Origin

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (9)

The origin story of Tomura Shigaraki is another arc that had to be included on this list. This is the moment fans have been waiting for, with Shigaraki's full backstory finally laid out for all to see. It is everything that it promised, and then some.

To make matters worse (or better, depending on how fans want to look at it), this volume reveals the changes occurring within Shigaraki, and just how dangerous that's going to be for the heroes fighting against him.

1 My Hero Academia Vol. 27: One's Justice

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (10)

My Hero Academia Vol. 27: One's Justice is the most recent volume, and the start of one of the biggest plot arcs yet. The Paranormal Liberation War arc is, as the name might suggest, a war, but it's a war of epic proportions.

Nearly every named hero (and plenty of heroes without names) as well as countless villains make an appearance in this plot arc. That includes most of the U.A. students, as all hands are needed for this battle. So far, there have been highlights such as the Hawks vs Twice (followed by Dabi) battle, and much more.

NEXT:My Hero Academia: 10 Best Deku Quotes

My Hero Academia: 10 Best Volumes Of The Manga (So Far) (2025)
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